About Me

Experience and qualities

I currently practise as a group and one-to-one therapist at The Sydney Clinic in Bronte, supporting clients with addictions and mood disorders. Prior to this I worked for three years as a group counsellor at The Overcomers Place in Gladesville, an all-addictions charity. Before moving to Australia I worked in the UK for various mental health charities alongside adults with drug, alcohol and mental health challenges.

Approach to counselling

I believe that adopting a gentle and warm approach to therapy enables clients to feel secure and supported. It is from this base that it is possible to achieve lasting change.

I employ a trauma-informed, connection focused approach to counselling. Creating a safe space and building a strong rapport between counsellor and client is the first priority. Somatic techniques help to experience safety in the body and Polyvagal theory explains different ways of being (fight / flight, freeze states, and returning to a sense of security). Attachment-oriented counselling assists in understanding how we relate to others and whether we are secure, anxious, avoidant or disorganised.

Working towards goals goes on in and outside of the therapy room. This may include rebuilding important relationships, reconnecting with hobbies, getting out in nature, 12 step groups, meditation and prayer.


I am a member of PACFA (the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia), Registration number 28613.